Departing Perth, Australia on the 17th July 2006. Follow Jo's epic adventures across the globe!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tomate!! Tomate!!! The Great Tomato War

On the last Wednesday of each August, thousands of people from all over the globe make the annual pilgrimage to Buñol to join the world's biggest food fight. After months of intensive training and mental preparation, I decided I was in peak condition to join forces with the ranks and throw myself into the front lines for Team Australia with my fellow comrade, Doug Watson. La Tomatina celebrates the end of the tomato harvest and all the excess tomatos (some 125,000 kgs) are paraded through the streets of Buñol in monster trucks to the chanting of "tomate tomate, quieremos tomate!!" (Tomato, tomato, we want tomato). I personally hate tomato, and spent the earlier stages of the festival meticulously scrubbing away any traces of the wretched stuff that happened to fly my way. Towards the end, I was shin deep in tomato puree, desperately scooping up handfuls of the slimy pulp to splash at the nearest victim. After an hour, the firing of a cannon signals the end of the war and the crowds disperse to the sangria stalls to quench their thirst, while the fire brigade hoses down the town. Here are some piccys for you all to see-

Doug and I, before the big event...
The trucks arrive...
The battle begins...
The Aftermath!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiya jo, claire told me about your site, so liz and i are having a browse around and came across your tomate chuck festival - doug is very very cute!! how are you? claire said youre working in a publisher's house in london - well done, how do you like it? liz went back to perth after 9 months in albany - and is very happily ensconced there with her grandma in willagee and back at her old shcool, john curtin. she is down for the weekend, and we have just beeen out shopping and had loads of fun and spent heaps of $$$$. well, i will contact you again, i am teaching at the prison and really love the job! am also studying a teaching cert thru murcoch. take care, thinking of you, amanda ps my email address is

5:42 pm


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